
Maria, Charlotte Kerer

Mother - petite and energetic
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
My mother was a very petite woman and, I must say, she was quite energetic. That's the way it has to be - it has to be. She didn't waste many words when we were bad, when we - she didn't say a lot. She only said: "Will you be quiet!" Back there in the corner with the crucifix, there used to be a small birch switch and she would take it down, swish, and she would wave it above our heads, crack! And then all of us knew what that meant: be quiet, and that's it! In the mornings - we had to - during the war we didn't have any shoes - one of us went to church and back home again, then another put those ... shoes on so that he could go to church too. We didn't have anything, nothing. To eat we had: In the mornings we had watery soup, so we ate soup. In the evenings there was a pot full of potatoes - not peeled - in front of the house. So we ate potatoes. For lunch we often had dumplings, a soup with noodles. So... really pathetic.